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your New Purposeful Business?

Sign up now for the first week and discover how to create the ideal context to thrive and find your unique path.

Have You Heard the Call?

Everyone has felt the pull. The call to greatness. That silent yearning for something more, something deeper than the materialistic pursuits society often dictates. If you've felt it, if you're seeking fulfillment beyond the superficial, focus for 4 minutes of your time and read below.

Step in for Free to Become A Sovereign Entrepreneur

Our 6-week program is for aspiring entrepreneurs and change-makers.
The first week is FREE.
This offer is limited to the first 30 spots.

Beautiful people share their experience

Natalie de Beul

Now I have a clear vision. I'm taking action, and that's a huge change. Pierre-Boris helped me overcome my fears and integrate profound teachings into my personal growth journey.

Lora Schmidt

I was initially quite skeptical, to be completely honest. But from our first conversation, I felt that you understood me and that, with your help, I would be able to embrace my true self. Your guidance have helped me gain confidence and a sense of legitimacy.


I feel immense gratitude for your work. I felt stuck and unfulfilled, and needed a real change. Your compassionate and balanced approach stood out, instantly gaining my trust. Your genuine generosity, deep listening, and ability to cut through my intellectual noise to reach the heart of my issues made all the difference. Your embrace of powerful Eastern practices deeply resonated with me. You helped me unlock a path to positive energy and true personal growth.


Now I radiate an energy that allows to manifest what I truly desire.


Through challenges with management and interpersonal relationships, I discovered that nothing is permanent or unchangeable. Instead of merely ignoring unhelpful situations, I learned to take proactive steps to improve them. This shift in approach has consistently led to positive outcomes, allowing my team and me to achieve our goals with better support and collaboration.


Pierre's insightful questions made me reflect deeply, leading to a significant mindset shift. He has a profound understanding of body and energy, which helped release my anxiety and tension, particularly in my heart and solar plexus chakras. After just one session, I felt a notable release of tension and gained clarity on my next steps.


I needed a male coach, mature and more experienced than myself. That same year, I launched my first company, with sales doubling every year. By far, the best thing you've done for me is to open my mind and really know what I want in my different areas of life.

Dr Summit Sharma

I felt so much self-love, energy, and peace. He provided clarity of thought on how to approach my vision, where all forces are aligned in one direction to help people.
I have had many coaches and mentors in my 20-year entrepreneurial journey, but I have never met someone like him.

Nicolas Braham

I had trouble taking action. What helped me was stepping back. I needed to confront my ideas without any filter. This allowed me to gain confidence in my choices and the desire to take risks. I struggled to grasp what truly excited me. Moving forward, breaking some barriers, and creating my own business. I need to be happy in both my personal and professional life. Creating my project allows me to fulfill myself.

Want to make sure this FREE email course is worth it before you sign up?

Here is everything that's inside:

Day 1: How Your Perception Shapes Your Reality
Understand how perception influences your life decisions and begin to see the world with newfound clarity.
Day 2: From Scarcity to Abundance - Plan Your Journey
Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance and learn to plan your journey with the end in mind.
Day 3: Creating from Consciousness
Harness the power of consciousness to unlock your creative potential.
Day 4: Discover Your Unique Path
Identify your North Star and gain unwavering direction in your life.
Day 5: The Power of Choice
Realize the power of your choices and take control of your destiny.
Day 6: Can I Have It All?
Balance ambition and mindfulness with the "Wheel of Life" and "Soul Map."
Day 7: Make the Invisible Visible for True Transformation
Recognize and leverage hidden patterns for deeper transformation.

Why You Can't Miss This Opportunity

I've condensed insights from over €85,500 worth of personal development and business coaching into this course.
Early registration opens NOW— the first 7 Days of the program, the Awareness Process, is completely FREE.
The contents are specifically designed for entrepreneurs ready to break free from the ordinary and build a thriving business aligned with their passion and purpose.

Why me?

My journey is marked by climaxes - from leading a 7-figure business to overcoming personal adversities such as burnout, homelessness, and even threats against my life. I've forgiven, healed, and emerged stronger, with invaluable insights from both Eastern and Western philosophies, modern science, and ancient wisdom.

Moved from a corporate 9 to 5 manager role to starting and scaling a one-person business to 6 figures
I’ve led a 7 figure family business
Helped spin-offs and startups start and scale
Have received death threats
Have been homeless
Came back stronger after burnout and depression
I have felt bliss on the verge of losing everything
Have traveled East and West, South and North
Kundalini awakened me.
And, I've helped hundreds to change their lives, develop their business, lead better, transition to new work, and have healthier relationships.

I've invested over 85,500 euros over more than 10 years in training, coaching, business development, marketing, and personal development workshops focusing on health, wealth, productivity, coaching, relationships, spirituality, and leadership.

Now offering its full value through my services and products.

Unlock Your Full Potential

Imagine a life where:

You gain crystal clear clarity on what you want to achieve.
You plan and act with a focus on growth and unlimited potential.
You make confident, impactful decisions aligned with your vision.
You spot and seize hidden opportunities that drive success.
You overcome limiting beliefs and unlock rapid growth.

Have You Heard the Call?

Everyone has felt the pull. The call to greatness.

That silent yearning for something more, something deeper than the materialistic pursuits society often dictates.

If you've felt it, if you're seeking fulfillment beyond the superficial, focus for 4 minutes of your time and read below.

Are you stuck in a 9-5 grind, craving clarity, or just looking for your next big leap? 

Are you feeling trapped and unsure of your next move can be frustrating and disheartening.

Looking for clarity? This is for you.

Imagine continuing down this path without ever realizing your true potential. The daily grind wears you down, your dreams remain unfulfilled, and the feeling of being stuck becomes permanent. Your creativity, potential, and purpose are suffocated.

Over the past decade, I've walked alongside hundreds on their path to:

Break free from unfulfilling roles and dead-end paths,
Combat imposter syndrome,
Overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and drained,
Rediscover their vision during times of doubt and uncertainty,
Reignite their passion and motivation, overcoming burnout, and pursuing their dreams.

If you find yourself going in circles, putting your dreams on pause, feeling like you're meant for more but can't make the leap, you're in the right place.

The Challenge

We’d like to break free and live up to the better standards we have for ourselves and our loved ones. But sometimes, we feel like we run on low battery.

Our mind works as a recorder, imprinting every single experience in our memory. To simplify, let’s picture this memory as a huge library with all our available programs. When our mind recognizes a situation in the outer world, it triggers the use of a program in our library.

Everything runs fine until these programs start to work against us or our goals. But that’s not all. As we live in communities, from families to nations, and even within religious groups, most of these programs are similar to the ones of our neighbors. As much as these programs are useful to live in society, they are also leveling us down. We conform to group norms in order to fit in; we obey authority, we avoid taking risks, and we seek public approval.

These programs limit our creativity. They undermine our authenticity. They stifle personal growth. They discourage innovation and risk-taking. In 5 words, they dim our inner calling.

This inner call is about breaking free from old patterns and stepping into a future where you're in control. No more feeling lost in the crowd.

Don’t mistake me. Most of us are in the crowd. We all suffer from fear of failure. We all seek perfection as a way to escape mediocrity. But the solution is not in extremes but in balance.

This balanced approach encourages us to honor our inner calling, that unique voice within each of us urging toward genuine fulfillment.

Breaking free from these limiting programs means daring to be different, not for the sake of standing out, but to remain true to ourselves. It involves making conscious choices that align with our core values and deepest desires rather than the expectations imposed upon us.

Be careful. Those expectations go deep. Very deep.

In essence, the journey toward unleashing our full potential is a continuous process of unlearning and relearning. It's about stripping away the layers of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ that society has wrapped around us to reveal the unbounded possibilities that lie within.

Why me?

My journey is marked by climaxes - from leading a 7-figure business to overcoming personal adversities such as burnout, homelessness, and even threats against my life. I've forgiven, healed, and emerged stronger, with invaluable insights from both Eastern and Western philosophies, modern science, and ancient wisdom.

I’ve led a 7 figure family business
Moved from a corporate 9 to 5 manager role to starting and scaling a one-person business to 6 figures
Helped spin-offs and startups start and scale
Have been crushed (burnout followed by depression)
Have received death threats
Have been homeless
Felt bliss
Hated by my father
I have forgiven him
Have worked for the social, private, and public sectors
Have traveled East and West, South and North
Kundalini awakened me.
And, I've helped hundreds to change their lives, develop their business, lead better, transition to new work, and have healthier relationships.
"This program is a game-changer, offering concrete, transformative skills and insights that cater to every aspect of your life" - Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff

I've invested over 82,500 euros over more than 10 years in training, coaching, and personal development workshops focusing on health, wealth, productivity, coaching, relationships, spirituality, and leadership. Now offering its full value through my services and products.

My inspirations range from ancient wisdom and yoga to modern science insights, like systems theory and quantum physics.

There will be friction.
People will judge you.
There will be struggles.

I have been there.  

You have to be resourceful. If you are still reading, you are.

The moments of doubt are the ones of potential. It's life trying to guide you. I have learned to listen to the voice within.

If you are like me, there are many (voices). And often they are in conflict.  In these moments, you can have a breakdown. Or you can have a breakthrough.

I am here to help you choose the path of breakthrough.

The solution

My coaching program is not just about improvement; it's about mastery. It's designed for those ready to take responsibility for their lives and to embrace the challenges life throws at them as opportunities for growth.

If you are looking for a quick fix, I won’t help (and nothing will).

If you are not ready to embrace the struggle, you’re not ready. I can prepare you. But, know that we’ll go deep into everything that takes you away from your power. Addictions included.

What I have for you is something that can change your life forever. It’s a call for radical responsibility.

It’s a journey:

from misery to mastery
from addiction, refusal, and resistance to embracing the universal story of life
from anxiety to increasing your skills to address ever-bigger challenges

If you're trapped in a cycle of procrastination, doubting yourself, or simply yearning for more in life but unsure how to get there, you're not alone.

My focus? Your inner game.

It's not about fixing what seems broken. It's about rediscovering the warrior spirit within you, that "you" you're missing, that version of yourself that's just waiting to shine.

What's on Offer

Here's my coaching program, designed to guide you on a transformative journey:

Part One: Discovering Your True Self

We'll dive deep into understanding who you are beyond societal expectations and self-doubt. Why? Because knowing your true self is the foundation for creating a fulfilling and authentic life. This part is like your starting blocks. Without them, there's no powerful start.

This phase is about awakening your Inner Warrior, fostering introspection, and self-reflection.
Part Two: Designing Your Future

Together, we'll map out a clear, actionable path toward the life and work you dream of. Why? Because it's by having a vision paired with concrete steps that you can achieve your dreams. This stage aligns with the Outer Warrior phase, emphasizing discipline and perseverance.
Part Three: Turning Challenges into Strengths

Transform your obstacles into opportunities, embodying the Perfected Warrior. This phase focuses on achieving enlightenment and inner peace through overcoming personal and professional challenges. We'll tackle your biggest obstacles head-on, turning them into stepping stones for growth. Why? Because overcoming these challenges is what primes you for real, lasting change.

Together, we'll build new foundations rooted in self-confidence, consistency, and a sense of achievement that truly satisfies you.

Unlock Your Full Potential

Imagine a life where:

Your Work aligns perfectly with your Values
Your Relationships are nurturing and supportive
Your Creativity solves problems and expresses your unique self,
Your Courage faces fears head-on
Your Discipline helps you maintain your path
Your Clarity guides every decision.

Ready to Change Your Narrative?

90% of decision-making errors come from perception biases. Together, we'll rewrite your story, enabling you to step into your power and actualize your dreams.

Who This Is For

Solo entrepreneurs creating their path.

- Overcome uncertainty and fear of failure;
 - Gain clarity of purpose, resilience, and build a roadmap to success.
Leaders building or managing teams.

Overcome conflict and low engagement;
- Gain leadership and personal integrity..
Family business owners navigating legacy and change.
- Overcome the chasm between tradition and innovation and family dynamics;
- Gain progress, freedom, effectiveness, and leave a legacy.

How the coaching program has changed their lifes

Some clients have decided to share their journey of transformation.

Their testimonials show some marks of what they have achieved.

The Spiritual Warrior's Path

In just 7 days, you will:
Day 1: How Your Perception Shapes Your Reality - Understand how perception influences your life decisions and begin to see the world with newfound clarity.
Day 2: From Scarcity to Abundance - Plan Your Journey - Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, and learn to plan your journey with the end in mind.
Day 3: Creating from Consciousness - Harness the power of consciousness to unlock your creative potential.
Day 4: Discover Your North Star - Identify your North Star and gain unwavering direction in your life.
Day 5: The Power of Choice - Realize the power of your choices and take control of your destiny.
Day 6: Break the Habits that Sabotage Your Success - Identify and overcome habits that hinder your success.
Day 7: Techniques to Regulate Your Nervous System - Master techniques to regulate your nervous system for enhanced control and inner peace.

For the first 7 days, PathFinder is completely free.

Experience quick wins and tangible progress without any risk.You're closer to your dream business than you think.

Let’s make it a reality together.

Worried about not being good enough?

We've helped countless others just like you achieve their dreams.︎

Sign Up Now.

Don't waste another day feeling stuck. Start your free 7-day trial now and find your path to impact.

Sign Up Now to start your free 7-day trial!


Here are the quick wins you will get immediately:
Recognize the default path vs. the path less traveled and become sensitive to new possibilities.
Learn the Tahiti effect and how thinking abundantly can lead to growth and security.
Tap into your creative power by recognizing and using your inner resources.
Find your guiding star through techniques to identify and follow your true purpose.
Learn how to think differently to make empowered decisions.Identify and start breaking self-sabotaging habits.
Learn and practice techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness to manage stress and emotions.