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From Transaction to Regeneration: Mastering the Four Levels of Conscious Change

Carol Sanford's model reveals growth through evolving awareness, urging us to transcend limiting paradigms for meaningful, impactful lives. Embrace transformation, systemic change, and regenerative practices for true progress.

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Health & Wellness

How to Reconnect with Your Body without the Fear of Vulnerability

Dive into the art of living fully in your body, exploring the interplay of health, grounding, and mindfulness to unlock a life of joy and vitality.

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Health & Wellness

Discovering Serenity in a Stressful World

Personal mastery isn't just for CEOs and world champions. And that includes stress management. It's good for anyone who wants to get more out of life, especially if you want to express yourself freely and authentically and leave your own mark. This article gives you 3 simple, practical ideas for reducing stress on your own.

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I am Pierre-Boris, I help entrepreneurs, creators and leaders align their life and work with their purpose.

From introverted and broken to a business guide and transformation coach, I've turned my unique journey into a force for positive change. Merging new science with ancient wisdom, I help others shift from Ego to Self, transforming their lives and their impact on the world.
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff