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Harnessing Serendipity: Mastering the Mindset for Inviting Good Luck

Have you ever heard the expression: "to stack all the odds in one's favor"? In life, what part does luck play? How do we understand uncertainty? Discover the secrets of transforming luck into opportunity with this insightful article. Learn how a success mindset, clarity of purpose, and embracing uncertainty can turn life's challenges into chances for growth. Join Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff on his journey, and master strategies to cultivate luck as a skill and a mindset, not just serendipity. Redefine your approach to luck and seize life's opportunities today.

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Navigating Change

The Power of Perseverance: Trust Your Journey

Navigating Challenges? Dive into our guide on persevering through the toughest 20% of your journey, embracing unpredictability, and leaning on support. Unlock the power within to conquer any obstacle. 🛤️🌟

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Lifestyle, Self-realization

Living Without Regrets: Essential Practices Every Entrepreneur Should Adopt

Focusing solely on problem-solving in the entrepreneurial hustle can lead to losing touch with deeper motivations and eventual regret. Discover 10 practices you'll never regret.

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I am Pierre-Boris, I help entrepreneurs, creators and leaders align their life and work with their purpose.

From introverted and broken to a business guide and transformation coach, I've turned my unique journey into a force for positive change. Merging new science with ancient wisdom, I help others shift from Ego to Self, transforming their lives and their impact on the world.
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff