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Navigating Change

Confident Now: A Journey to Clarity and Fulfillment

Feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and emotional turbulence? Embark on a transformative journey with "The Power of Now" to discover clarity, balance, and a newfound sense of self-assuredness. This exploration promises to guide you towards a life where your professional path aligns with inner peace and fulfillment.

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Lifestyle, Self-realization

Finding Peace: The First Step to Awaken the Light Warrior Within

At times, life feels overwhelming and confusing. But deep down, there's your Light Warrior. The first step towards this strong, kind, and genuine part of you calls for finding peace inside. Discovering peace involves understanding and surmounting challenges, viewed through both ancient teachings and modern scientific insights. This forms the foundation for our outer expressions of peace, unity, and purpose.

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Health & Wellness

Reclaim Your Right to Feel: Overcoming Guilt and Embracing Emotional Freedom

Explore emotional freedom in 'Reclaim Your Right to Feel: Overcoming Guilt and Embracing Emotional Freedom.' Uncover the power of understanding emotions, mastering self-regulation, and healing through movement. Learn how balancing your energy centers can transform guilt into pleasure and creativity, and how emotional intelligence and trauma healing can lead to a more fulfilling life. Embrace the journey of rediscovering your intrinsic connection to pleasure and authenticity. Subscribe to our newsletter for insights on emotional mastery and living a balanced, resilient life.

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I am Pierre-Boris, I help entrepreneurs, creators and leaders align their life and work with their purpose.

From introvert, broken and depressed to spiritual guide and personal development coach, I've used my atypical background to make a positive impact on hundreds of people's lives. Combining 'new sciences and ancient wisdom, I draw on diverse traditions, teachings and practices to guide human beings in a journey from Ego to Self. Their transformation impacts all aspects of their lifes, from their physical and emotional health to their positive impact on the world around them.
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff