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Health & Wellness

Discovering Serenity in a Stressful World

Personal mastery isn't just for CEOs and world champions. And that includes stress management. It's good for anyone who wants to get more out of life, especially if you want to express yourself freely and authentically and leave your own mark. This article gives you 3 simple, practical ideas for reducing stress on your own.

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Navigating Change

The Power of Perseverance: Trust Your Journey

Navigating Challenges? Dive into our guide on persevering through the toughest 20% of your journey, embracing unpredictability, and leaning on support. Unlock the power within to conquer any obstacle. 🛤️🌟

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Health & Wellness

Nature's Call: Five Ways Immersing in the Wild Can Soothe Your Soul

Explore nature to reconnect, heal, and unlock creativity. Embrace peace by rediscovering your inherent connection with the universe.

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I am Pierre-Boris, I help entrepreneurs, creators and leaders align their life and work with their purpose.

From introvert, broken and depressed to spiritual guide and personal development coach, I've used my atypical background to make a positive impact on hundreds of people's lives. Combining 'new sciences and ancient wisdom, I draw on diverse traditions, teachings and practices to guide human beings in a journey from Ego to Self. Their transformation impacts all aspects of their lifes, from their physical and emotional health to their positive impact on the world around them.
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff